When you speak to candidates, it is important to inform them of who you are and the entity you represent. You can also say that you are a talent supplier in the Hirbox hiring marketplace.
Here is a sample script that you can use:
“Hi (Candidate First Name), my name is [Name] and I partner with Hirbox, a hiring marketplace that connects people to opportunities. I’m reaching out to you today because I think you would be a great fit for the (Job Title) in (City, State) and wanted to see if you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity“
As the conversation continues remember to tell the candidate the following:
Keep a lookout in their email for an invitation to the job opportunity
On accepting the invitation the candidate’s application and resume will be submitted
A Hirbox Talent Advisor may contact them about next steps
If you need help creating your phone script, you can reach out to one of our Talent Advisors once you’re registered in the marketplace and they will assist you.